Sandtiquity: Architectural Marvels You Can Build at the Beach by Malcolm Wells, Kappy Wells, and Connie Simó
Foreward Magazine Book Review: With the demise of sun worshipping as a safe experience, beach-lovers everywhere must discover alternatives to simply laying there baking in the blazing sun. Armed with a heavy sunblock and Sandtiquity, a visit to the beach can become instead a trip through a door back through time. The authors--an architect, a sculptor and a photographer--have recreated and updated this classic guide on how to build, out of sand, models of some of the greatest architectural wonders of the world. More»
Sandtiquity on Sandcastles are among the most ephemeral of creations, yet even the simplest efforts inspire admiration. This is a completely redone version of the author's 1980 publication, with all-new photographs and new projects. Architect Wells, the author of several environmentally oriented books, went with his associates to Nauset Beach on Cape Cod and constructed several dozen sand structures based on geometrically shaped historic buildings such as pyramids, Greek temples, and Southwestern pueblos. These structures require only simple tools such as a flat board and a few twig embellishments. This is a delightful source of ideas, welcome even in landlocked libraries.
Philadelphia, 1949
Philadelphia College of Art, 1967-1970
With Jacques Lipchitz, Pietrasanta, Italy, 1970-1971
Artist-in-Residence, St. John the Divine, New York.
Centre Georges Pompidou, Musée National d'Art Moderne, Paris.
The Israel Museum, Israel.
Tel Aviv Museum, Israel.
The ACLU Building, New York, N.Y.
University of Pennsylvania, Anthropology Building.
Nebraska State Capitol Building, Hall of Fame, Lincoln, NB.
Stewart Udall Museum Resources Center, Santa Fe, NM.
Equitable Life Assurance Company, New York, N.Y.
Cathedral of Saint John the Divine, New York, N.Y.
New York Botanical Garden, Cary Arboretum, New York, N.Y.
Carnegie Hall, New York, N.Y.
Goulandris Natural History Museum, Athens, Greece.
New York Public Library, New York, N.Y.
Atlantic Richfield Comopany.
Mott Museum, Flint, MI.
A.T. & T., Boston, MA.
Mr. Jacques Lipchitz.
C.S. Mott Children's Health Center, Flint, MI.
South Jersey Wetlands Institute, N.J.
Proudest Creation
Site Credits
Photography: Dan Barsotti
Website: Avian Design